Jacob Kampen – Athletic Training & Strength and Conditioning

Jacob Kampen – Athletic Training & Strength and Conditioning – Hello everyone my name is Jacob Kampen and i’m a newer coach here at Self Made West Covina (The Cove). I transferred over from UFC Gym, City of Industry a month ago. I started my personal training journey about 4 years ago on my own before entering and training through a corporate gym. I went through 6 years of school to get my degree in Kinesiology, which also included baseball along those years. So mentioning baseball, I am a former collegiate athlete that finally decided to hang up the cleats 2 years ago because it was not something that I saw continuing and benefiting me in life. Because of baseball I know the struggle of the weight room and how many factors can play a major role in success in and out of the gym. I’ve had great strength and conditioning coaches throughout my years of sports along with schooling to get to where I am today. I grew up in South El Monte, CA, before transferring out of the area to Arcadia High School. From there I then went to Mt. SAC and thankfully because of baseball I attained a full scholarship to the University of the Cumberlands in Williamsburg, KY. Being able to make a huge impact on people’s lives mentally, physically, and get them to live healthier lives is a way I try to give back to the world. Giving back to the world and helping everyone prosper and live a better life gives me a purpose in life. I am a raver and go to shows and festivals quite often. When I go to shows and festivals my favorite genre of EDM is dubstep. Dubstep fuels my workouts to get the maximum gains possible. So if your ready to change your life for the better lets’s get this journey started together.

What is your Training Specialty?
Athletic Training, Strength and Conditioning, Nutrition, Weight Loss